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2021-2022 Call for Applications

UCLA Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Personnel



To: Deans

Date: March 15, 2021

Subject: Call for Applications for the 2021-22 Negotiated Salary Trial Program

Dear Colleagues,

It’s that time of the year to submit requests to participate in the Negotiated Salary Trial Program (NSTP), beginning July 1, 2021.

Like the well-established Health Sciences Compensation Plan (HSCP), the NSTP is a flexible compensation program that allows general campus ladder-rank and in-residence faculty in participating schools and divisions to voluntarily contribute external funding resources towards their total UC salary. The amount of negotiated salary has a cap of 30% of the base salary and must be funded through extramural sources such as gift income, research contract and grant funds, and other non-state-appropriated funds. The total UC salary (TUCS) rate is effective for a one-year period corresponding with the University fiscal cycle of July 1 through June 30.

The NSTP began its 5-year pilot trial in 2013, and moved into an extended phase starting on July 1, 2018. The second phase will run through June 30, 2022, with fiscal year 2022-23 as a transition year should the trial be terminated. Fiscal year 2021-22 is the fourth year of the extended trial. To participate, eligible faculty members must be in good standing with regard to teaching, research, and service obligations, and stay compliant with all applicable University policies, procedures, and training requirements. For more information about the program, go to:

Deadline for submitting requests to the Academic Personnel Office is June 15, 2021. Should circumstances related to COVID-19 prevent you from completing the negotiated salary plan on time, you may request a time extension on or before the June 15th deadline.

For submitting requests or if you require further information, please contact Manager Rong Jiang at



Michael S. Levine

Vice Chancellor, Academic Personnel

