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At the campus level, the Vice Chancellor for Academic Personnel and the Vice Provost for Diversity and Faculty Development oversee UCLA Academic Recruit.  An Advisory Committee of faculty and staff with experience in academic recruitment meets to provide guidance on the communication, education, and policy issues that come up in rolling out Recruit (Charge Letter available here).

Systemwide, the UC Recruit Memorandum of Understanding sets out the governing structure for this 10-campus collaboration.  The UC Recruit Governance Board--with input from the program directors at UCI and from other stakeholders (Provost, COVC, Vice Provosts for Academic Personnel, Academic Personnel Directors, UC ADVANCE PAID Program, EEOC directors for Academic Personnel)--has responsibility for key decision-making about budget requests, priorities for enhancement and data collection, and expansion and maintenance of the program. Personnel at UCI will continue to play the principle role in managing day-to-day operations of the application and will have input on all decision–making. The Board forwards its decisions to the Vice Provost for Academic Personnel at the Office of the President, who serves ex-officio; s/he will involve the Provost in decision-making as appropriate.